Monday 25 April 2011

Trying out minature mentor speed painting method

Have a look at the miniature mentor link and the speed painting DVD. Highly recommended.

Well i gave the spray can method a go. Definitely not the same fine shade of the airbrush method but definitely the very small amount of effort required. Given me inspiration to do it properly with the airbrush next time.

Painting with the red didn't work to well. Tried diluting it with jojo sonia's magic mix. Tried a lot of other combos as well and water worked best. Used a 10% surface tension breaker mix on the khador jacks as i thought it would work well on the big flat surfaces. In the DVD the guy uses GW baal red wash. Don't like the colour of the GW red wash so didn't try it. Might work though if i only use a little. However after reading the privateer press books it recommending diluting with ink. Will give it a try with some water next time. The red paint i used for khador was Matisse red light (PR254).

Keen to try the P3 paints. Got the trollblood paint set.

3200 Point FOW at the Tin Soldier

Well it was interesting to bring along a 1600pt force, team up with another, and take on the enemy. Played fighting withdrawal as the attacker and went in way to soon. Captured one objective but need two at that size. Didn't get hurt by stormtrooper moves in this game against FJ.

Grabbed some more khador stuff and the minions book. Got to do a gator army. Still thinking of menoth. Love to paint it. Inspired by the miniature mentor painting white cloth article. Before then didn't like it.

Saturday 23 April 2011

All flued up and then it's khador time

Well spend a few days in bed with the flu and not much gets done. However wake up late one night feeling well again and keen to do something. The VC black coach was on the table but to pin that properly would require some sort of thought process so got out the khador jacks i had sitting aside. A dream to put together. Then it's i'm motivated time and pull all the khador blisters and boxes off the shelf and i'm up and running. To many late nights later and i have 2 casters and going on 60pts of stuff undercoated. Some of those khador heavies have a lot of parts.

Note to self. Look at the angle of arm's more closely on heavy jacks before drilling and pinning and again before gluing. Some of them are a bit off on a weird angle. Tried to correct and managed to snap one arm off. Drilled and pinned the break and all is good. I know it's good for sure as i managed to drop both heavy jacks from head height onto a tiled concrete floor and they hung together just as i finished undercoating them. I was so careful with them up until i finished and for some reason i just twisted the stick they were stuck to the wrong way as i was putting them down and then they bounced.

Friday 15 April 2011

Mick's Hobby

Well today begins the blog. Stuff of legends possibly not but a record of what i have been up to for posterity. Gone are the days of scratching my head as i try and repeat something from times past!